Posted By mednolco
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Dear frenz.
Once again I am back with a new post.
We all have heard about diabetes. But do we exactly know what it is??
Diabetes is a condition in which our body is not able to utilise the sugar that is being consumed by us in Food.
The main reason is either due to absence of beta cells of pancreas or defective beta cells. These cells produce Insulin harmone. The main function of this harmone is to regulate excess sugar in our body. In absence or defective production of insulin Excess sugar can’t be utilised and gets excreted in urine.
This is what we call diabetes.
Now coming to types of Diabetes.
Broadly speaking Diabetes is of two types. :
Type 1 and Type 2
TYPE 1 DIABETES — Type 1 diabetes is characterized by destruction of the pancreatic beta cells, leading to absolute insulin deficiency. This is usually due to autoimmune destruction of the beta cells .
Type 1A diabetes mellitus results from autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the islets of Langerhans of Pancreas. This process occurs in genetically susceptible subjects, is probably triggered by one or more environmental agents, and usually progresses over many months or years during which the subject is asymptomatic and euglycemic. Thus, genetic markers for type 1A diabetes are present from birth, immune markers are detectable after the onset of the autoimmune process, and metabolic markers can be detected with sensitive tests once enough beta cell damage has occurred, but before the onset of symptomatic hyperglycemia . This long latent period is a reflection of the large number of functioning beta cells that must be lost before hyperglycemia occurs .
Type 1B diabetes mellitus refers to non-autoimmune islet destruction (Type 1B diabetes)
Type 1A diabetes mellitus results from autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in the islets of Langerhans of Pancreas. This process occurs in genetically susceptible subjects, is probably triggered by one or more environmental agents, and usually progresses over many months or years during which the subject is asymptomatic and euglycemic. Thus, genetic markers for type 1A diabetes are present from birth, immune markers are detectable after the onset of the autoimmune process, and metabolic markers can be detected with sensitive tests once enough beta cell damage has occurred, but before the onset of symptomatic hyperglycemia . This long latent period is a reflection of the large number of functioning beta cells that must be lost before hyperglycemia occurs .
Type 1B diabetes mellitus refers to non-autoimmune islet destruction (Type 1B diabetes)
to be continued……
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